Resources and examples to support you in planning your research 

On this page you will find links to resources and examples which will support you with planning your research. This can range from carrying out a literature review, finding existing data, identifying research priorities and questions, to identifying the required skills and expertise you require of your team members and collaborators.

Example projects

International Perinatal Outcomes in the Pandemic Study - iPOP

Read about the work of the iPOP team who published their findings Changes in preterm birth and stillbirth during COVID-19 lockdowns in 26 countries , 27 February 2023 in Nature Human Behaviour, and hear them talk about the process of establishing partnerships and assembling an international consortium to study perinatal health during the COVID-19 pandemic


Know about other important resources?  

Resource About Type Theme Organisation
Building an international coalition for data sharing Read about the work of the iPOP team who published their findings Changes in preterm birth and stillbirth during COVID-19 lockdowns in 26 countries today, 27 February 2023 in Nature Human Behaviour, and hear them talk about the process of establishing partnerships and assembling an international consortium to study perinatal health during the COVID-19 pandemic Project example Research Planning International Perinatal Outcomes in the Pandemic Study - iPOP