There are several individuals required to properly facilitate sessions:

  • 1 course facilitator for every 15 participants if it’s a Data Club, or for every 5 participants if it’s a Data Clinic: this is a subject matter expert who is comfortable teaching content. 

  • 1 moderator (to monitor the online chat if you’re doing a hybrid or online session and to help introduce and close the sessions). 

  • 1 technical coordinator (to resolve any IT issues/connectivity issues encountered)

  • 1 subject matter expert for every 15 participants if it’s a Data Club, or for every 5 participants if it’s a Data Clinic (to help answer questions and troubleshoot; these individuals don’t need to be comfortable teaching material the same way that the facilitator teaches material)

  • 1-2 classroom attendants if conducting in-person or hybrid sessions to help participants register and provide extra help should any issues arise.

  • 1 person in charge of refreshments if conducting in-person or hybrid sessions.

  • 1 remote chat moderator for hybrid sessions (to make sure there are no issues for remote participants) – this person should be outside of your institution. It is usually a TGHN member of staff. 

  • 1 remote webinar coordinator from TGHN (if the webinar is to be hosted through TGHN, there are some guidelines that need to be followed, so we would recommend working with the webinar coordination team) 

In terms of operational set up, the room you choose should have enough seating for everyone, with the option of having an “overflow” room, where additional participants could sit in and tune into the sessions online. If you are holding in-person sessions, you may want to think about where refreshments can be set up, and how long refreshment breaks should be. We recommend taking one 10-15-minute break for every hour of the session. This ensures participants remain engaged. 

Participants joining in-person from local collaborating institutes should be met by an individual from your institution at the entry point, to ensure they find the room you are holding your Data Club or Clinic sessions in. You should also ask all in-person participants to arrive 15 minutes early. Upon arrival, in-person participants may be given materials such as a notebook, folder and pen – this is completely optional. 

The in-person facilitation team should arrive 30 minutes prior to ensure there is enough time for set up. Ten minutes prior to the session beginning, the virtual meeting should start, to troubleshoot any analytical issues if they arise.

PREVIOUS: Promotion and Workshop Preparation »

Step-by-step guidance to prepare adequately.

NEXT: Impact Evaluation »

Pre- and post-workshop surveys to effectively measure impact.