The Data Science Hub Working Group members convene during monthly meetings. To showcase both the breadth and depth of expertise among our working group's members, one member presents at the beginning of each monthly meeting. These presentations may be about a recent project that the member has completed, a recent paper that they published, or a recent data science skill they have learned. We use this space to publicly showcase these presentations, so that a wider audience may learn from them. 

If you would like to get involved with our working group, please contact Aashna Uppal ( and Sainabou Laye Ndure ( 



September 2024: Md. Sojibul Islam (icddr,b; Bangladesh)

Reduction of the prevalence of stunting among children in Bangladesh and attribution of socio-demographic characteristics (2004-2022) using R Shiny Apps


October 2024: Ibrahim Duah Kwaku (KCCR; Ghana)

An introduction to using Git for collaborative health research


November 2024: Narshion Ngao (Kemri Wellcome Trust Research Programme; Kenya)

Study dashboard for data management


December 2024: Shakira Babirye (Infectious Diseases Research Collaboration; Uganda)

Infectious disease modelling of monkeypox


February 2025: Leonard Boante (The Global Health Network; Ghana)

Unified Data Centralization and Integration Initiative (UDCII)


March 2025: Daniel Cardoso Portela Camara (Fiocruz; Brazil)

InfoGripe: monitoring severe acute respiratory infections in Brazil